Elevate (9-12 grade)

Sundays 7:00 – 9:00pm

FaithPoint Youth Room


Elevate is a weekly gathering of high school students. We study God’s Word, grow in authentic Christian community, and have a great time together! We also take yearly winter and summer retreats with the goal of strengthening student’s faith and equipping them to serve God in what He calls them to! We will also attend other fun activities such as apologetics conferences, service outings, beach days, and bonfires.

Elevate, Equip, Expect

Our goal for Elevate is to elevate the saving power of Gospel in student’s lives, equip students for lives of faith and ministry, and eagerly expect the Lord to work among us.

  • December 1 – No Elevate: Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
  • December 8 – Regular Elevate 7-9pm
  • December 15 – Bake Sale!
Fall Recharge: Sign up for a weekend filled with friends, faith, and fun! Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps has a Fall Recharge for high schoolers on November 15-17. If you would like to join us, pick up a registration form at the welcome desk. You can find more information by clicking the button below or contact Haley with any questions!

Find out more about Recharge!


Get all the latest info:

  • Follow our instagram (@faithpointlcyouth).
  • Sign Up for our HS Emails to be placed on the monthly email list.
  • Sign up for our weekly Remind app notification. To sign up, send a text to 81010 with the message @fplcyouth

Get In Touch

(952) 758-6297

1051 270th Street West | New Prague, Minnesota | 56071

Come Grow With Us.

We are a church that cares a great deal about welcoming new people and expect guests every week. FaithPoint’s weekly worship is Real, Relevant and Reverent. Our relaxed, “come as you are” style is contagious and filled with joy. We gather for Worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10am at 1051 270th Street West, just outside of New Prague, MN.