In the movie, “The Passion of the Christ” there’s a powerful scene where Jesus stumbles and falls under the weight of his cross as he makes his way towards Golgotha. His mother, Mary, runs to his side and embraces him. Through shattered teeth and bleeding lips Jesus says, “See, Mother, I am making all things new.”

Jesus paid the ultimate price to make us new. The Bible tells us that God and his power are at work in us and able to accomplish far more than we could ever imagine. Jesus promised in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.”

Join us this Sunday as we learn how to bring our concerns to the One who longs for our growth even more than we do, the One who has the power to make it so. Our Sunday Service times are 8:30 & 10am, with Live Streaming available at 10am.

Invite a friend to be your guest. They will be blessed.

Because of Jesus,

Pastor Steve Trewartha