Sunday Services
Expect an hour of engaging praise and worship along with a relevant message from the Bible.
Our relaxed, “come as you are” style is contagious and filled with joy!
Sunday Worship
- Worship Services are held Sundays at 8:30 & 10am. Our campus is located at:
FaithPoint Lutheran Church
1051 270th St W
New Prague MN 56071
Worship at FaithPoint
We want to be a church that worships Jesus passionately out of the abundance of gratitude in our hearts toward Him for what He has done for us!
Worship is our response to what God has done in our lives. We see the call throughout Scripture to worship God for who He is and what He has done. We are not simply commanded, but are people created, to worship the Lord and center our lives around Him. (Ps. 100:2, 59:16, Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:18-19).
We practice open communion, meaning all believers are welcome to participate. Gluten-free wafers/grape juice are available alternatives. Children who have not had First Communion receive a blessing.
We love children and have something for everyone:
- Activity Bags – Available for your little ones for use during the service.
- Nursery –is available for infants – 3 years of age. Our service is live-streamed in the nursery and parents are welcome to stay with their child if they choose.
- Kids Bulletins – For children ages 7 – 10 are available from any usher.
- Sunday School for kids ages 3 – 5th grade is available during both services. You can register online!
- KidsPoint is a worship option for children ages 3-8 during the summer months.
Recent Services
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Get In Touch
(952) 758-6297
1051 270th Street West | New Prague, Minnesota | 56071
Come Grow With Us.
We are a church that cares a great deal about welcoming new people and expect guests every week. FaithPoint’s weekly worship is Real, Relevant and Reverent. Our relaxed, “come as you are” style is contagious and filled with joy. We gather for Worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10am at 1051 270th Street West, just outside of New Prague, MN.