
Confirmation (6-8th grade)

  • Confirmation Ministry provides an intentional time for instruction in the Christian2012-01-25 19.33.39 faith for all 6th – 8th graders. Our time of instruction includes Connect (7-7:30pm)– an energetic, creative learning time; learning about the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism; and time in mentor small groups (7:30-8:30). All members and non-members of the community are welcome in this wonderful ministry. Marla Mayer is our Confirmation Coordinator.
  • 2018-19 Memory Work
  • Calendar 2018-2019
  • Confirmation Sermon Notes sheet
  • Service Hour Form

High School Youth Group

“You are a masterpiece, you are handpicked by God, you are loved, you are a person of extreme value and significance.  If you weren’t, why would Christ have died for you on the Cross?”