Loads of Love

The next Loads of Love is Thurs., Feb. 20!


Loads of Love is offered the 3rd Thursday of each month, 5-8pm at Soak Laundromat. 

Loads of Love is sponsored by FaithPoint Lutheran Church in New Prague. We offer assistance with laundry needs to families in the area by providing the cost of the machines, detergent and softening products. We strive to brighten the lives of people through love, dignity, and detergent by partnering with Laundry Love and Soak Laundromat in New Prague.

Questions we get about Loads of Love free laundry nights:
“Do I need to register or sign up?”
“Are there income limits or other qualifications to participate?”
“Do I need to sign up for, or agree to do or join something else, to participate?”
“What’s the catch?”
The answers: No. No. No. None!
Just show up with your laundry, load it into any open machines, and we’ll start them with FaithPoint’s account via the app. We also have detergent and softener sheets you can use if you’d like. So if you could use a little household budget relief these days, come to our next free laundry night!