John: The Disciple Who Loved Jesus

Probably the most famous verse in the Bible is John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son …” Aren’t you glad the verse does not read: “For God so loved the famous … or the popular?” Or, “For God so loved the rich?” Or, “the thin … the...

James: Ambition, Courage and Zeal

This week in our series on the disciples we come to the Apostle James. Just like the names of some other disciples, there are several people named “James” in the Bible. The James who wrote the New Testament book of James was likely Jesus’ older brother, and probably...

Philip: A Common Man and Uncommon God

As we make our way through a study of the disciples, we see that Jesus gathered a ragtag group who were not exactly the cream of the crop or on the list of “Who’s Who in Judea.”  But Jesus invested his life into these disciples who, somehow, turned the world upside...

Jesus Restores Peter

Last week we heard how Peter was an impulsive, bold and courageous fisherman who acted first and thought later. Peter meant well and gave it his all, but in the end, made many blunders. The most serious was when he denied he was one of Jesus’ followers three times....

Do Hard Things

A humorous and slightly scandalous but true story comes out of the early days of the church. When the father of Origen, a third-century theologian, was arrested for being a Christian, Origen, then only 17 years of age, desired to follow his dad into glorious...

Operation Andrew

Have you ever felt that the resources and gifts you have to offer are so meager and insignificant, that they will not make an impact in the Kingdom of God? If you can’t sing like an angel, preach so that people fall on their knees, pray that the earth would shake,...