Gather Moms – Jan. 9

Gather Moms and Gather Moms: The Launch.  Next meeting: Jan. 9. We will not be meeting in December! Carve out just one hour to meet with other moms. “Gather Moms” is for moms of kids age 0-high school. “Gather Moms: The Launch” is for moms of high school seniors-young...

Marriage Retreat – Feb. 14-16

Join others from FaithPoint from Feb 14-16 at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp for a marriage retreat with Pastor Ben and Stephanie Mason. Ben is the Family Pastor from Lutheran Church of Hope in West DesMoines. Sign up and brochure available at the Welcome Center. Follow...

“Rend the Heavens and Come Down”

This Sunday we will kick off the season of Advent, which is the beginning of the church year. Advent is the season of waiting and hope, and it lasts for four weeks. Isaiah 64 taps into the spirit of the season when he pleads with God to 1) Hurry!  2) Halt!  3) Help!...

“The Bread of Life: A Thanksgiving Feast”

As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, surely, we’ll have conversations about what’s on the table. May I suggest we also take time to consider what’s in our heart. In a world overflowing with blessings, it’s easy to overlook the greatest gift we’ve been given: the...

“Making All Things New”

In the movie, “The Passion of the Christ” there’s a powerful scene where Jesus stumbles and falls under the weight of his cross as he makes his way towards Golgotha. His mother, Mary, runs to his side and embraces him. Through shattered teeth and bleeding lips Jesus...