Worship Services and Upcoming Events:
- Worship Services are held this Sunday at 8:30 & 10am.
- Prayer Ministers: Prayer Ministers are available after the Sunday church service at the front of the Sanctuary immediately following the service. If you would like prayers for yourself or a loved one, please come forward. We would love to pray for you!
- Loads of Love: 3rd Thursday of each month, 5-8pm at Soak Laundromat sponsored by FaithPoint. Next time is Thurs., Jan. 16, We offer assistance with laundry needs providing the cost of the machines, detergent, and softening products for anyone needing budget relief.
- Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps (IOLBC) representative will join us for worship on Jan. 26 at both services. Plan to attend to learn more about camp opportunities for all ages. This year FaithPoint will be offering $100 scholarships for kids attending IOLBC the dates below. Early Bird discount ($30) if you register by March 1. To learn more or to register:· June 8-13: Grades 6-9 – $459 (Okoboji Site)
· June 15-20: Grades 4-6 – $439 (Ingham Site)
· July 13-18: Grades 4-6 – $439 (Ingham Site)
· July 27- Aug.1: Grades 9-12 – $459 (Ingham Site)
- Join the Team! Interested in working in our production booth on Sundays? We are looking for 9th grade & up and adults interested in running our livestreaming.
- Sunday School (children ages 3-Gr. 5): is now held at BOTH services.
- HELP NEEDED in nursery with infants to 3 years olds. Email if you can help!
- Elevate Youth Group:(grades 9-12) Meeting Sundays, 7-9:00pm at FaithPoint.
- JAM (Grades 3-5) Meets Wednesdays at 5:30-7pm now through May. How can you live a life like Jesus? Come find out.
- Confirmation: Confirmation 2024-2025 (Gr. 6-8) Meets Wednesdays 7-8:30pm.
- Donuts & Devotions:Donuts & Devotions: Is held at the Middle School on Fridays at 6:55 – 7:15am in the 7th Grade Commons. Please encourage your 6-8th grade student to attend. We are looking for donations of $45 to cover the cost of the weekly donuts. If you are interested, please see Debbie Trewartha or note your donations for Donuts and Devotions. Thank you.
- Nursery: Staffed during both services for children 6 months to 3 years of age. Service is live streamed in the nursery.
- Marriage Retreat: Join others from FaithPoint from Feb 14-16 at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp for a marriage retreat with Pastor Ben and Stephanie Mason. Ben is the Family Pastor from Lutheran Church of Hope in West DesMoines. Sign up and brochure available at the Welcome Center. Follow this link for more info: Marriage Retreat at Okoboji.
- Prayer Team: You are welcome to join us virtually or in person at FaithPoint at 10 am on Mondays. Contact Gretchen Havlicek for details. Please let us know how we can pray for you.
- Agape: Singles and couples, over 50, who would like to join the group should contact Joan Witty (952-758-9743) so we can include you in our yearly scheduling plans. The group meets for a potluck dinner, devotion and prayer the first Saturday of each month (September through May) from 6-8 PM at the church.The next gathering is Feb. 1.
- Moms with Littles Bible Study: Every other Tuesday, 9:15-10:30am at FaithPoint. Childcare provided. Next meeting is Jan. 28.
- Women’s Book Club: January book is “Finding God’s Life for My Will” by Mike Donehey. Book discussion is Sat., Jan. 25, 9am at FaithPoint.
- Women’s Bible Study: Attend either Wednesdays at 10am or Thursdays at 10am. No homework or book needed. Come when you can.
- Women’s Sunday Bible Study: 6:30pm at FaithPoint. All ages welcome. We will be discussing “The Sacred Echo: Why is prayer so mysterious?” By Margaret Feinberg.
- Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study: Saturday, Feb. 8; 7:30-9am
- Men’s Thursday Bible Study: meets Thursday evenings; 8-9pm.
- Gather Moms and Gather Moms: The Launch. No Meeting in December. Next meeting Feb. 13.
Thank You: to all the volunteers who served to make Mark Trewartha’s Memorial Service a meaningful and wonderful Celebration of Life.
Volunteer Opportunities! (Register online if interested):
- FaithPoint has a Kitchen Team that helps in the kitchen and/or brings food for special events (including funerals). There is another team, the Special Event Setup Team that helps set up and take down tables and chairs for special events. It’s great if we have some men on this team to help with the lifting and moving of tables and chairs. If you are interested in serving on either of these teams, please stop by the Welcome Center.
- FaithPoint’s “First Impressions Team” are those who serve as Greeters, Ushers, host at the Welcome Center, and manage Sunday Fellowship. We need people to serve as Ushers, to be at the Welcome Center, and manage Sunday Fellowship (coffee/pastries after services). If you can help in any of these areas, please sign up at the Welcome Center.
- Each Sunday, members of the Altar Guild carry out the meaningful ministry of preparing our place of worship. Members are responsible for setting the altar each Sunday, preparing for baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and making sure the linens, silver, and brass are in tip-top shape. One of the responsibilities of the Altar Guild is to serve communion. We serve communion one Sunday per month and that requires eight servers. Would you like to help serve the wine and bread? You will be joining other individuals who make a valuable offering to our community’s worship life. Contact Kamy Carlson, 952-334-4086. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
- The beautiful FaithPoint Lutheran Church is our faith home. Did you know that over the years, several people have shared their time cleaning the church? This is a great way to help our community worship in a clean and safe environment. We need more people to serve on this team. For more information contact Shirley Stella: 952-297-7013
- KidsPoint: We are looking for help with KidsPoint. Adults, high school leaders, and confirmation helpers needed.
- Nursery: We offer Nursery for infants – 3 years of age. If you are interested in helping in the nursery, please call the church office, 952-758-6297.
- FaithPoint now has a secure “Member Portal” and “Online Directory” available for its members. The Member Portal is where only you can see all your information and make changes if necessary. From the Member Portal you can navigate to the Online Directory which allows you to see all the current members of FaithPoint and only their contact information. If you would like access to the Member Portal and Online Directory, please call the church office and speak to Shirley (952-758-6297) or email
- RightNow Media! Our church has access to an extensive, video library called RightNow Media! Contact Pastor Steve with your email address and he will send you a link.
- Our Daily Bread Devotionals: Available at the Information Desk.
- FaithPoint Sunday Worship services can be viewed on TV. If you have Bevcomm as your cable/TV provider, you can view the previous FaithPoint Worship service on Wednesday night at 7:30 pm or Sunday at 1 pm on Channel 6.
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(952) 758-6297
201 Central Ave. N. | New Prague, Minnesota | 56071
Come Grow With Us.
We are a church that cares a great deal about welcoming new people and expect guests every week. FaithPoint’s weekly worship is Real, Relevant and Reverent. Our relaxed, “come as you are” style is contagious and filled with joy. We gather for Worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am (through Labor Day) in our beautiful building at 1051 270th Street West, just outside of New Prague, MN.