FaithPoint Lutheran Church offers a variety of programs for adults of all ages:
Join others from FaithPoint from Feb 14-16 at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp. Click on the button above for all the details!
Small Group Ministry:
Agape Group (1st Sat. of each month)
For singles or couples, age 50 and over. Small group meetings, fellowship, devotion, prayer, potluck meal. If you are interested in participating, contact Jim Witty (952-758-9743) for further details. The next gathering is Feb. 1.

Prayer Team: The Prayer Team meets every Monday at 10am. Our meetings include prayers for the team, a brief discussion about the Sunday morning message and a short devotion, prayer request updates. We pray for all prayer requests that are submitted to the team which include: prayers of Praise, for the Church, Missions, Strength, Healing and Safety, as well as for Our Community, Our Country and around the World. We also offer prayer support after services on Sunday morning. All are welcome to come for prayer.
Contact Miriam Swenson at for more information about the prayer team. Click here if you are interested in joining the prayer team. Submit Prayer Request
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Get In Touch
(952) 758-6297
1051 270th Street West | New Prague, Minnesota | 56071
Come Grow With Us.
We are a church that cares a great deal about welcoming new people and expect guests every week. FaithPoint’s weekly worship is Real, Relevant and Reverent. Our relaxed, “come as you are” style is contagious and filled with joy. We gather for Worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10am at 1051 270th Street West, just outside of New Prague, MN.