This Sunday, we’ll explore Ecclesiastes 2, where the Preacher recounts his grand experiment with pleasure. From laughter and wine to grand projects and abundant wealth, he pursued it all, only to discover that these fleeting joys left him empty.

Solomon held nothing back.  He took his biggest swing … and at least initially, he struck out. The contrast is similar to when Jesus talks to the woman at the well and says, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give, will never be thirsty again.”

We often feel the temptation to chase “the next big thing.” But the Preacher challenges us to pause and examine our pursuits.  Are we chasing after things that leave us wanting more, or are we finding our ultimate joy in God?

Join us in worship at either 8:30 and 10:00 AM as we uncover the timeless truth that only in God can we discover lasting joy. Live Streaming available at 10:00 AM.

Invite a friend to be your guest. They will be blessed.


Sermon Series: “Chasing the Wind: Finding Meaning in a Fleeting World”

Feb. 2 – Week 3: “A Time for Everything”

Feb. 16 – Week 4: “Doing Life Together”

Feb. 23 – Week 5: “The House of God: The Heart of Worship”

March 2 – Week 6:  “Wealth and Its Limits”

March 9 – Week 7: “The Futility of Life Without God”

March 16 – Week 8: “Remember Your Creator”