I struggle from time to time with some form of technology not working for me. If you were to scroll through my texts from our wonderful tech team here at FaithPoint, you would see several similar phrases like: “Did you reboot?”  “Did you check the connection of the plug to the dock?” or “Did you unplug, wait 10 seconds, and plug it in again?” And while we tend to poke fun at these kind of troubleshooting instructions, these tasks usually solve whatever issue I was having. I guess I’m not alone.  I read that up to 80% all connectivity issues are solved by some task related to that phrase “is it plugged in?”

Most of us don’t deliberately disconnect from Jesus, but things like busyness, frustration, fatigue, and insecurity tend to disrupt a life of true connection with God. We may think that connection with God is something that must be earned, but God teaches us in the Bible to not to work to try to please him, but instead learn to abide in him and draw our life and strength from him. Are we staying “plugged in” spiritually?  Join us this Sunday as we learn the importance of remaining connected to Jesus.

Our Services times are 8:30 & 10am, with Live Streaming available at 10am. We will be celebrating Holy Communion this Sunday.

Gretchen Havlicek