This week, we read about Peter and his buddies on a mountain with Jesus. The event is called the transfiguration and comes as a relief, and boost of hope after some heavy teaching words Jesus gives to Peter.
Real hope is not in something we think we can do, but in God, who makes good in ways we cannot often see. There is something about hope that allows us to see God’s guiding hand, not only in the gentle and pleasant moments, but also in the shadows of disappointment and darkness. It’s a hope that gives us strength to live in times of sadness and even death.
Most Jews in Nazi Germany would have seemed to have lost all hope. Yet hundreds of Jews lived through the concentration camps and found hope in the midst of the worst possible conditions. How did people like Anne Frank, Elie Wiesel, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer find light in the midst of darkness? The answer may be found scratched on the walls of one of the Nazi prison camps:
I believe in the sun, even when it does not shine.
I believe in love, even when it is not expressed.
And I believe in God … even when He is silent.
Join us in worship this Sunday at 8:30 & 10am. FaithPoint’s Campus is located at 1051 270th St. W. New Prague. Live Streaming available at 10am on Facebook or on our website.
Pastor Steve Trewartha