I imagine you received some Christmas gifts this year that included articles of clothing.  One common tag on clothing that has always intrigued me is, “One size fits all.”  Really?  There actually is one size that fits all people?  That seems hard to believe and yet that is the core message of the gospel.

This week we kick off our new series on Paul’s letter to the Galatians.  It’s only 6 chapters, but it packs a powerful punch and its content forms the very foundation of our faith.  In fact, it was the rediscovery of the basic message of Galatians that ignited the Reformation in Martin Luther.  Galatian’s radical central message is that God’s grace is “one size fits all.”  No matter how tall or small, how good or bad, God’s grace is for you and me.  The grace of God that comes through faith forms the bedrock of the church still today.